Cornwall Girls Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Volunteer Info

Information for all CGHA Volunteers

1. Register in RAMP as Coach/Staff – this applies to the following positions: Coach, Assistant Coach, Trainer, Manager, On Ice Helpers, Changeroom Monitors and Instructors for Clinics. 

Instructions to register in RAMP (you can’t be added to a roster until this step is completed):

a) Login to If you have registered your daughter for the season, use the same account.

b) On the main menu, go to My Family Members. If you are not added already, go to Add Family Member. Enter your information. If you do not have an NCCP#, just enter 1234.

c) Next go to Register, Coach/Staff Registration. Choose yourself as the family member. Enter all information and press submit at the end. If you are an On Ice Helper (for practices) enter yourself as staff. 

2. All volunteers (including on-ice helpers, dressing room monitors, and dryland supervisors) must provide a recent (less than 3 years old) Vulnerable Sector Check to the Director of Risk & Safety. These police checks are now done online through your local police station or OPP. You will need to provide a volunteer letter with your request. You can find a copy of the volunteer letter here:

On the second and third year after you applied for your police check, we will ask that you sign a CGHA Declaration of Conviction Form:

3. All volunteers must complete the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders course:

4. All bench staff (house cand competitive) must complete the required courses as per the OWHA Team Official Qualification Requirements found here:

5. All courses/clinics can be found on the OWHA website under the Bench Staff tab: If you’re not sure what courses to take, contact your Risk & Safety Director.

6. The CGHA will reimburse all required certifications. The following document outlines what the CGHA will cover. Anyone considering a certification above and beyond their required certifications should email the CGHA to inquire about reimbursement.

Once each clinic is completed, advise the Director of Risk & safety so they can update RAMP and the association files. Receipts can be sent to the treasurer for reimbursement along with this completed form:


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