Cornwall Girls Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Bursary applications are now being accepted. Please see all additional information on our website.

CGHA Competitive Coaching Applications now being accepted for the 2025-2026 season

DS Tryouts to be held this week!

Join your peers at this years Alumni Game by registering today!

Spring Tryout Schedule 2025

The CGHA is pleased to provide players, and families, with the Competitive Tryout Schedule. Tryouts will commence in April for the 2025-2025 OWHA Competitive season. Should you have any questions, please reach out to

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Applications for CGHA Bursaries

The CGHA is pleased to offer two bursary opportunities to CGHA players who are graduation this year and moving on to post secondary education. All information about our bursaries ,including links to the applications, can be found at

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Competitive Coaching Applications

The CGHA is now accepting coaching applications for the 2025-2026 season. The CGHA is actively looking for individuals looking to assume the role of a Competitive Head Coach for the following teams: Tier 1: U9, U11, U13, U15, U18 Tier 2: U11, U13, U15, U18

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U13/U15 DS Tryouts

The CGHA is pleased to offer DS again this season for U13 and U15 players.

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Alumni Game Returns

Celebrate girls hockey while reminiscing with old team teams in a friendly game of hockey. There are still a few spots remaining so register today!

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Goalline Sports Administration Systems
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